Sunday, January 22, 2006

Prayer - John 17

As I begin this venture, I want you to know I am a very grateful man. I am grateful for all your prayers as I recover from the cancer surgery. Of all this I am blessed. Your prayers and concern have been appreciated.

Speaking of prayer, as a new Christian, I remember reading John 17 for the first time. This is Christ’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. What touched me the first night I read it was this. Christ’s prayer for us is to be protected from the evil one. John 17:15-20. Verse 15 “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world (my comment: we are to stay here and be Jesus Christ in flesh and blood—that’s why the church is called “the body of Christ”) but that you would protect them from the evil one. (My comment: Of all He could have prayed for it is good news when Jesus cuts to the quick and identifies our true enemy, the evil one, the devil.)

Then in verse 20 something else floored me. “My prayer is not for them alone (His disciples). I pray also for those who believe in Me through their message.” Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane prays for future believers—you and me!

To a new Christian that was good news; to an old Christian, it is still good news!
God bless you this day, January 22, 2006 ~ Jerry “Beef” Seehusen

1 comment:

Lee Shelton said...

Hey, Jerry, welcome to Blogger!

It was great to hear that your surgery went well, and I hope and pray for a full and speedy recovery. I especially liked the commentary you wrote on your other site about getting cancer "so God's glory can be displayed." Perhaps you can re-post that here on this blog.

I'm looking forward to reading more of your commentaries, and I have already linked here from The Contemporary Calvinist.

All the best,

Lee IV