Friday, November 15, 2013

The people need a shepherd—

How a Little Makes a Big Difference


Recently I visited with a Christian businessman whom I had not seen for many years.  I asked him what concerns he has for the church.  He replied, “The people are not being shepherded.”   I agree.  Pastors are busy; they can’t do everything.  The Elders and Deacons need to step up.  We Christians need to step up!

This week I was asked to address the student body and community at Renville County West School in Renville for their Veteran’s Day program.   I spoke before a large gathering of school children and towns people.  The event was sponsored by the RCW School’s Student Council and it was an excellent program.

Later in the day, I attended a program at the large nursing home facility in Renville.  In attendance were eleven World War II and Korean War Veterans, including one woman veteran who served in Europe during World War II.  It was a special and very moving service. 

As I came to the nursing home facility, I met a mother with a young son, possibly six years old.  I recognized them from the program at school earlier in the morning.  The mother said to me, “My son wants to meet you.”  I bent over and shook his hand and we visited a bit.  He did not say much but had tears in his eyes.  His Mom explained that the boy’s grandpa, a Viet Nam veteran, with whom he was very close, had died of pancreatic cancer within the past six months.  The loss of his grandpa has been hard on this little boy.

I missed an opportunity that day.  I will look up this mom and her son and tell them I have room in my life for an adopted grandson.  Yes, I need an adopted grandson and he needs a grandpa.  The vision of this young boy with tears in his eyes, tears for his dear grandpa, left an aching hole in my heart.

I realized I need to be a shepherd among the people, young and old alike.  What’s sad is that I realized how little effort could make a difference in this boy’s life.  Yes, what we do to the least of these will be remembered.

Let’s quit talking and start being shepherds among all the people.  Christ with us.


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