Friday, September 01, 2006

Fall in Minnesota

Fall is in the air in late August in Renville County, Minnesota. One day can be 95 degrees with high humidity, true essence of a summer day; the next day can be cool and cloudy with signs of fall all around.

During the summer, the flocks of geese down at the lake bottom use our pond north of our house as their bed and breakfast or possibly better defined as a short term day spa. Ma and Pa Goose let the yearlings take care of the goslings as they come north for ½ hour respite from the kids. Only the parents come in the summer. They honk, play, chase, dine and clean themselves, and eat weeds off the bottom with their black and white butts pointed up in the air.

Today while I was out mowing, the whole flock came—mom and dad (the biggest leading the way), yearlings next and the “no longer goslings” in the rear. I listened as they came over the corn field towards Johnny’s place. Only a few honks—final approach to the pond. Line up on the goose runway and all drop into the pond with a dignified, resplendent splash.

I wondered, is this their first foray as a group out of the lake bottom, a training flight to get everyone on the same page for the big flight south. Or was it a mini-vacation at Seehusens’ Goose Spa on their way north to glean wheat from the Bratsch boys’ wheat field on the Schroer farm? When geese move as a group, it’s one of the first signs of fall.

Blake and Jane’s edible beans have begun to turn yellow, a beautiful bend of yellow and green as they wave in the wind. When I left last Sunday morning to preach near Annandale, they were still green. I come back five days later to find them changing color. Their sugar beet field looks as nice as a beet field could ever look. Early harvest is planned at the beet plant in anticipation of one of the largest crops ever.

The clouds have started to drop mist. I put on an old sweatshirt to ward off the cool west breeze and contemplate six months of “putting on” to stay dry and warm.

Fall in Minnesota is beautiful. Harvest season a demonstration of God’s blessings upon us. Once again His hand has provided.

I hunch my shoulders, pull down my cap, lean into the wind and go to work. And I smile.

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