Saturday, February 03, 2007

Quote from William Henry Biederwolf’s Sermon, “The Logic of the Cross”

"What a strange and distorted idea of life some people have! Even the Christian life has been misunderstood by some whom the world has been pleased to number among its holiest men. They have thought they could best live that life in the seclusion of a mountain cave or a monastery cell, out of touch with and unmindful of the confused and distracted world round about them so full of heartache and of need.

"Cloistered visions and mountain-top experiences may enrich the soul, but the vision dims and the blessing will not stay if heavenly experience is not translated into earnest service for a needy humanity. After all, this is where Christ was always found.

The village priest of austerity
Climbed up in a high church steeple;
To be nearer God, so that he might
Hand His word down to the people.

And so in sermon script he daily wrote
What he thought came from heaven;
And dropped it down on the people’s heads
Two times one day in seven.

In his age God cried, “Come down and die,”
And he cried from out the steeple,
“Where art Thou Lord,” and the Lord replied,
“Down here among my people.”

"All too much we fail to realize the place that self-sacrifice and service hold in the religion of Jesus Christ. They are the very heart of it. They are the religion of Jesus Christ. Christ’s whole existence, all the way from heaven to earth and back again by way of Calvary, was a continual outpouring of Himself for the sake of others. And He says, “If any man will be my disciple, let him take up his cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34)."

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