Thursday, January 10, 2008

Of politics and pups and other earthly stuff – Part I

Lily is our black lab. She had strayed to my cousin, Keith’s place and we couldn’t find the rightful owner. She ended up at our place. Lily has been a special addition here at the Seehusen farm; always happy in demeanor, always ready for a walk. She leaps for joy when she realizes we’re going for a walk.

I took her in to the vet; some work was done but we planned on spaying her later. (You can see it coming can’t you?) We didn’t get the job done in time; yes, Lily was pregnant.

Last Saturday a.m. Lily was her normal, buoyant, joyous self, somewhat slower due to the fact that she was carrying pups. She was begging for treats and needed a lot of Ol’ Jer’s attention; a typical day for a very pregnant Lily. Judi checked her at 3:30—two pups; I checked at 9:30 p.m.—nine beautiful pups! When I was cleaning up the nest, Lily was all business; no treat begging dog here; no fawning for Ol’ Jer’s attention. Inside of three hours her demeanor changed completely. She became a dedicated mom and was 100% focused on those new pups.

I marveled how great God is. By His creative genius He made all this possible. It is a thing of beauty. This mundane process of having pups makes me marvel. The instinct of the pups to seek, the mom’s instinct to protect and provide and the provision and timing of their birth, on a day when we were home and it was warm.

You may say “big deal” you’re dog had pups. I know I’m a simple country boy but I still marvel at the new birth of animals, sunrises and birds who find enough feed to make it through a cold winter. Call me simple but I still marvel. Only God could do all this; yes, only God.

Do you, as a professing Christian, believe God created and sustains all His creation? Or do you believe in evolution? Do you doubt God’s ability to create or sustain? These are all earthly things. Why should He trust us with heavenly things? Why should God bless us with heavenly things when we doubt His obvious presence in earthly things? “I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?” John 3:12

Friends of ours grew up in Romania under the communist system. Their families were some of the few Christian families in Romania in the 1950’s and 1960’s. They suffered for their faith. If you are a communist you must believe in evolution. Our friends believed God created them. They would tell their childhood friends who pestered them because of their belief, “You may be descended from monkeys but God created us.”

Earthly things, origins, standing up for truth; “I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?” John 3:12


Anonymous said...

Our friends believed God created them. They would tell their childhood friends who pestered them because of their belief, “You may be descended from monkeys but God created us.”

As to evolution, my grandfather had a great saying: "I may have had some ancestors that hung by their neck but none that ever hung by their tail."

Isaiah 45:18 makes it very clear that God did not create the earth to be empty but formed it so it could be inhabited! I am so glad that the Lord has given me a stable foundation - the Solid Rock!

Beef, your check for the pup is in the mail.

Lee Shelton

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