Saturday, November 15, 2008

Something else to ponder...

This is just too good to keep to ourselves...

An excerpt from Bill Keller’s Daily Devotional – November 14, 2008:

“It is too bad that those who oppose God are busy in the marketplace boldly declaring their opposition to God. In the meantime, those who love the Lord are out of sight, silent, not even in the game. If there is one thing that frustrates me to the point I want to scream, it is the passiveness, the lack of boldness, the lack of courage, the gutlessness of most Christians who are too afraid go into the public square and compete with the agents of satan for the hearts, minds, and souls of men! It is no wonder why we are losing souls each and every day. We don't go out and fight for them! We know we're saved and really could care very little about those who are not. GOD WILL HOLD US ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR APATHY TOWARDS THE LOST!!!”

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